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Breaking News: Son spikes father’s tea to access BTC funds worth $400K

Liam Ghershony spiked his father’s tea over arguments to hold or sell their BTC holdings.
Breaking News: Son spikes father's tea to access BTC funds worth $400K

A dispute between a father and son over BTC trading resulted in a near-death experience and some jail time. A son allegedly poisoned his father to obtain access to his Bitcoins due to a fluctuation in crypto market values.

In 2018, the father, who did not want to be recognized, made his son, Liam Ghershony, a partner in his $100,000 crypto investment account. According to the couple, the fund increased over time and generated $350,000 in income. Things changed, though, as cryptocurrency values dropped, and the son’s drug usage became more alarming.

How the market situation aggravated the situation for father and son

The father and son had opposing views on what to do with their BTC when market conditions changed. The father continued on “hodling” despite the declining prices, while the son wanted to cash out. The father, certain that his son’s judgment is affected by his drug usage, set up two-factor authentication on the account where the monies were kept.


The father recalls an altercation in which his son told him he needed to sell, to which he replied, “No, you need to quit using drugs.” As a result, the son devised a strategy. He assisted his father with moving some furniture one day, and after returning home from supper at a restaurant, he began his scheme.

Ghershony handed his father some tea for an “energy boost” with seemingly good intentions. The father agreed, oblivious to the fact that it had been laced with massive quantities of benzodiazepine to knock him unconscious. Following that, the son used his father’s phone to send $400,000 in Bitcoins to his account, of which he changed two-thirds into Ether (ETH). He thought his father would wake up naturally, so he left him alone.

After receiving a call from a worried friend, the police discovered the father motionless but alive in his bedroom two days later. He was taken to the hospital and spent four days there suffering from dehydration and organ failure.

The son admitted to his mother, Christine Prefontaine, what he had done. She then went to the police station to denounce him, while his father filed a criminal complaint against him. “I carefully built a case against my kid in order to place him in foster care and safeguard our community,” the father explained.

After serving 125 days in jail, the son avoided additional punishment by spending two months in treatment.

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