ChatGPT, Hedera Merge for Secure Asset Management

ChatGPT, Hedera Merge for Secure Asset Management

ChatGPT, Hedera Merge for Secure Asset Management

ChatGPT and Hedera, the native cryptocurrency of the Hedera network, represent a convergence of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI).

By leveraging the decentralized nature of blockchain networks, ChatGPT can engage in secure interactions with the Hedera network, gaining access to its tools, such as the Hedera Consensus Service, Hedera Token Service, and Smart Contract Service.

Ed Marquez, a developer, provided instructions for creating the plugin on Twitter, concentrating on the token balances of Hedera accounts.

According to Marquez, users can view account balances using a network browser or retrieve them programmatically via the mirror node Rest application programming interface (API), which the addon will employ.

HBAR information is returned in tinybars (tℏ), where 100,000,000 tℏ represents one ℏ.

Accounts on Hedera are maintained in the ledger containing tokens, such as HBAR, fungible tokens, and nonfungible tokens created on Hedera.

The integration of ChatGPT with the Hedera network enables the retrieval of HBAR and token balances from Hedera accounts via a module.

This integration streamlines the interaction between ChatGPT and the blockchain, making asset management and monitoring simpler for users.

Once the plugin is developed and the API is functional, users can install it through the ChatGPT user interface. Then, users can interact with ChatGPT to inquire about their Hedera account’s HBAR and token balances.

The plugin will invoke the Hedera mirror node’s Rest API to retrieve the required data.

The verifiability and reliability of AI-generated content are ensured by blockchain technology.

Users can engage in microtransactions, access premium content, and partake in tokenized economies without incurring excessive fees or experiencing significant delays.

It also facilitates the creation of decentralized applications.

These applications can utilize the benefits of both technologies to create decentralized marketplaces, collaborative platforms, and incentives for user contributions.

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