Ethereum-Based TVL Surpasses StarkNet Securing $146M

Ethereum-Based TVL Surpasses StarkNet Securing $146M

Ethereum-Based TVL Surpasses StarkNet Securing $146M

L2BEAT, a platform specializing in insights regarding Ethereum’s layer-2 scalability solutions, provided the data. Ethereum (ETH) accounts for approximately 87% of the Total Value Locked (TVL) on Base, which lends significance to this accomplishment.

This significant endorsement from the Ethereum community demonstrates their confidence in Base’s capacity to improve scalability and reduce transaction fees.

Ethereum-Based TVL Surpasses StarkNet Securing $146M

While the rapid growth of Base’s TVL is attracting attention, it is essential to evaluate the transactional efficacy of these platforms. According to recent statistics, Base processes approximately 5.61 transactions per second (TPS). This makes it marginally slower than other prominent layer-2 solutions. Optimism has a TPS of 6.88, Arbitrum One has a TPS of 7.07, and zkSync Era has an impressive TPS of 10.44.

Ethereum-Based TVL Surpasses StarkNet Securing $146M

Unquestionably, competition within the layer-2 scaling domain is intensifying. Each solution strives to provide the most efficient and seamless user experience possible while addressing the Ethereum network’s persistent issues with high fees and congestion. This intensifying competition is anticipated to spur additional innovation and enhancements in the industry to benefit both developers and end-users.

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