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Reason for the 11 Hours downtime on Polygon Network (MATIC)

Polygon Network (MATIC), a top-tier smart contracts platform suffers downtime. Here is why.
Here is the Reason Why Polygon Network Went Offline for 11 Hours
Here is the Reason Why Polygon Network Went Offline for 11 Hours

After a scheduled upgrade, Polygon Network (MATIC), a top-tier smart contracts platform, fell unavailable. Polygon (MATIC) took 11 hours to confirm transactions.

What happened to Polygon?

Polygon Network (MATIC) engineers revealed flaws in Heimdall, one of the levels of its Proof-of-Stake (PoS) system, on March 10, 2022.

To allow developers to fix them safely, the team decided to halt transactions, informing users of the planned disruption.

However, the outage lasted far longer than anticipated. The team delivered a hotfix to allow operations to restart when Polygon (MATIC) users launched heated disputes on social media networks.

— Polygon Developers 💜 (@0xPolygonDevs) March 10, 2022

In addition, team members claimed that they are working for a long-term solution to permanently resolve the issues. During the downtime, the Polygonscan and Polygon Bridge instruments were turned off.

In Q4, 2021-Q1, 2022, Solana (SOL), the most popular “Ethereum killer,” experienced a series of outages. In less than three months, the protocol had six outages.

Are Funds Safe in Polygon Network?

In the early morning hours of March 11, 2022, Polygon’s operations were back to normal (UTC).

Polygonscan has been updated and displays transactions as of press time, while Polygon Bridge ensures cross-network interoperability.

Polygon (MATIC) users’ funds and data were not at risk during the outage, according to the company’s developers.

— Polygon Developers 💜 (@0xPolygonDevs) March 10, 2022

Polygon (MATIC) was congested in January 2022 because of a massive increase in transactional traffic caused by the enthusiasm surrounding the Sunflowers Farmer GameFi protocol.

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