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Peer-to-Peer Lending in DeFi: Prospects and Challenges

Peer-to-Peer Lending in DeFi: Prospects and Challenges

Peer-to-Peer Lending in DeFi: Prospects and Challenges

The traditional finance space faces a significant competitor known as peer-to-peer lending, which has risen as a disruptive force in finance. This article will discuss the prospects and challenges of peer-to-peer lending.

What is Peer-to-Peer Lending? 

Peer-to-peer lending is a type of direct lending that occurs between individuals or businesses without the involvement of an established financial institution. 

P2P lending is typically done through internet platforms that connect lenders and potential borrowers.

P2P lending provides secured and unsecured loans. However, the majority of loans in P2P lending are unsecured personal loans. 

Secured loans are uncommon in the business and are typically secured by luxury products. Peer-to-peer lending is regarded as an alternate source of finance due to several distinguishing characteristics.

Understanding Peer-to-Peer Lending

P2P lending websites connect borrowers and lenders directly. Each website determines the rates and terms and facilitates the transaction. 

Most sites provide a range of interest rates based on the applicant’s creditworthiness.

First, an investor creates an account on the website and deposits funds to be disbursed as loans. 

The loan application submits a financial profile, allocates a risk category, and determines the interest rate the applicant will pay. The loan applicant can analyze and accept offers. 

(Some applicants divide their requests into bits and receive several offers.) The software handles both money transfers and regular payments. Lenders and borrowers can opt to negotiate or have the entire process automated.

Some websites specialize in specific categories of borrowers. Funding Circle, for example, targets small enterprises. 

Lending Club also includes a “Patient Solutions” category, which connects doctors who offer financing programs with prospective patients.

How Peer-to-Peer Lending Works 

Peer-to-peer lending in decentralized finance (DeFi) is based on blockchain technology, with smart contracts allowing for trustless and decentralized lending and borrowing. Here’s how the process works:

  1. Decentralized platforms
  2. Collateralization
  3. User registration
  4. Smart contracts
  5. Matching and fund allocation
  6. Loan origination
  7. Liquidation mechanism
  8. Interest accrual and replacement
  9. Blockchain confirmation
  10. Withdrawal and Closure

Decentralized Platforms 

Peer-to-peer lending platforms are decentralized marketplaces where individuals can borrow digital assets. 

These systems are based on blockchain networks such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or others and use smart contracts to automate lending operations.


Borrowers using peer-to-peer lending sites are frequently asked to produce collateral to secure their loans. 

The collateral can be cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, or other digital assets. This collateralization reduces the risk of default and protects lenders.

User Registration 

Participants, both lenders and borrowers, often connect with DeFi services through blockchain wallets. 

Users connect their wallets to the peer-to-peer lending platform, which allows them to access their funds and conduct blockchain transactions.

Smart Contracts 

Smart contracts, which are self-executing pieces of code on the blockchain, play an essential part in peer-to-peer lending. 

They define loan terms such as interest rates, repayment schedules, and liquidation requirements in the event of collateral value variations.

Matching and Fund Allocation

Lenders show interest in funding loans by putting money into liquidity pools or specialized smart contracts. 

These funds are then algorithmically matched to qualified borrowers using parameters such as interest rates, loan terms, and collateral value.

Loan Origination 

When a borrower begins a loan request, a smart contract is launched to help with the lending process. 

The smart contract encodes the loan terms and locks in the borrower’s collateral.

Liquidation Mechanism

Pee lending platforms have liquidation tools to safeguard lenders from severe losses due to collateral devaluation. 

If the collateral’s value falls below a predetermined threshold, the smart contract may initiate an automatic liquidation process to repay the existing debt.

Interest Accrual and Repayment 

The smart contract specifies that interest will accrue on the loaned amount over time. 

Borrowers repay the loan and any outstanding interest within the timeframe specified. Failure to repay may result in penalties or the liquidation of collateral.

Blockchain Confirmation 

All transactions and changes to the smart contracts are recorded on the underlying blockchain. 

This transparency allows participants to independently verify transactions and monitor the status of the lending agreements.

Withdrawal and Closure

Once the borrower repays the loan and interest, or the loan is otherwise ended, the smart contract returns the collateral to the borrower, allowing lenders to withdraw their monies.

Now, let us see the prospects of Peer-to-Peer Lending.

The Prospects of Peer-to-Peer Lending 

Some prospects of peer-to-peer lending include;

  1. Accountability
  2. Speed
  3. Lending Analytics
  4. Permissionless
  5. Immutability and Transparency 
  6. Asset Management


Accountability is one of the primary advantages of Peer-to-peer lending. Blockchain is a public ledger that can provide on-demand records of all DeFi loans and the policies and laws that underpin those loans. 

The public distributed ledger is proof of all financial transactions when a DeFi loan is authorized.


Peer-to-peer loans are processed swiftly, and the loan amount is available immediately after acceptance.

DeFi loans are handled faster since the Peer-to-peer lending platforms leverage cloud services to detect fraud and other DeFi lending concerns.

Lending Analytics 

Peer-to-peer loans are processed swiftly, and the loan amount is available immediately after acceptance. 

DeFi loans are handled faster since the Peer-to-peer lending platforms leverage cloud services to detect fraud and other DeFi lending concerns.


Anyone with a DeFi crypto loan wallet can access decentralized lending without restriction. DeFi applications developed on blockchain networks are easily accessible independent of fund presence or geographic location.

Immutability and Transparency

Any user on the network can easily confirm the blockchain. Peer-to-peer lending promotes transparency since the decentralized nature of the blockchain assures that all transactions are legitimate.

Asset Management 

Crypto wallets and peer-to-peer lending protocols such as Metamask, Gnosis Safe, and Argent allow users to be the sole custodians of their cryptocurrency holdings. 

It also allows users to securely communicate with decentralized applications and use services, including selling, purchasing, earning interest on investments, and moving cryptocurrency.

Challenges of Peer-to-Peer Lending 

Many vital conversations about decentralized finance are mainly about the pros of peer-to-peer loans. But it’s just as important to list the challenges so that you can adequately evaluate its potential. 

Here are some significant problems that you might run into soon after adopting peer-to-peer lending:

  1. Uncertainty
  2. Shared responsibility
  3. Scalability
  4. Lack of identity verification


If there is any instability in the blockchain being hosted in a Peer-to-peer lending, the process can easily pick up instability from the host blockchain. The Ethereum blockchain is going through some changes right now. 

For instance, the mistakes made when moving from the PoW consensus to the new POS system in Ethereum 2.0 could put people at risk.

Shared Responsibility

One of the worst things about shared responsibility is that it makes things worse for users. If you make a mistake, the DeFi projects won’t be responsible. 

The DeFi projects accept no responsibility for errors on your end. They remove the intermediaries, leaving only users accountable for their assets and finances. 

As a result, the Peer-to-peer lending process requires instruments that can eliminate the chance of human error or mistake.


Peer-to-peer lending may have issues ensuring scalability for the host blockchain from various perspectives. For example, DeFi transactions take longer to confirm. 

At the same time, DeFi protocol transactions may become more expensive during the congestion period. This affects overall scalability.

Lack of Identity Verification 

Traditional financial organizations use severe identification verification procedures for users. 

However, in DeFi, the pseudonymous nature of blockchain transactions complicates compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements.


Peer-to-peer lending services provide possibilities for entrepreneurs, small firms, and individuals who may not match the usual banking loan recipient profile. 

While peer-to-peer lenders may be able to give loans more efficiently, they charge more outstanding fees and interest to borrowers and face a larger chance of default. Many P2P platforms make it simple to invest or borrow but read the fine print to understand all the fees before signing anything.

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