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Saudi Arabia to Attend BRICS 16th Annual Meeting

Saudi Arabia has yet to join BRICS but looks forward to joining the 16th annual meeting which will take place in October 2024
Saudi Arabia Delays Decision to Join BRICS

Saudi Arabia To Attend BRICS Summit, Delay Decision to Join the Alliance

Saudi Arabia has yet to join BRICS while the Kingdom weighs the benefits and drawbacks. Despite not joining the alliance, the kingdom has attended all of the BRICS gatherings held in 2024. This year, the Kingdom dispatched delegates to Russia for two Sherpa meetings.

According to the latest developments, Saudi Arabia may join this year’s BRICS conference in October, which is slated for Russia’s Kazan area. Several nations were invited to the summit last year despite not formally being members of the union. Several developing countries will be asked to participate in the summit this time.

As a result, the kingdom may attend the forthcoming BRICS meeting, even if its decision to join the alliance still needs to be resolved. Sergey Ryabkov, a Russian ambassador, stated that the Kingdom has nothing against BRICS and looks forward to the coalition. The officials of the Kingdom informed Russia that “the work on the corresponding decision continues.”

Saudi Arabia will likely decide whether or not to join the alliance by the end of April. “The situation regarding the composition is quite clear. President Putin announced in his January 1 statement that five countries were joining BRICS, including Saudi Arabia.” On the other hand, he stated that “the country did not repudiate it, nor did it give any commentary that this information was false.”

Reasons for Delaying Joining The BRICS Alliance

Saudi Arabia is considering numerous alternatives for joining the BRICS. The Kingdom wishes to strike a balance between the BRICS and the West since the country requires their help.

The BRICS invitation comes as the kingdom seeks to open the nation to tourists. The Kingdom’s reform needs Western backing, but joining BRICS might help to build confidence.

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