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Step by Step: How to sell NFTs on Nifty Gateway

Nifty Gateway is one of the many platforms where you can create and sell NFTs
Step by Step: How to sell NFTs on Nifty Gateway
Step by Step: How to sell NFTs on Nifty Gateway

While there are a plethora of sites where you can sell your NFTs, Nifty Gateway stands to be one of the best because the online NFT marketplace utilizes blockchain technology to curate a host of digital artists in various aspects of arts and entertainment, including sports and music. But there is more. 

We will be explaining all you need to know about Nifty Gateway

In this article, Nifty Gateway is explained in detail, and you can learn more about its marketplace and how to get started in your NFT journey.

Perhaps you spent some time getting familiar with how everything works and then bought or created your first NFT. The question that naturally arises is, “how can I sell my NFT?” or “where do I sell my NFT?.”

If you’re wondering this yourself, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions for how to sell NFTs on Nifty Gateway. Also, we’ll dive deeper and explain how to sell without paying gas fees, as well as how to gift NFTs on Nifty.

What is Nifty Gateway and how does it work?

Nifty Gateway is an online NFT marketplace that touts itself as a premier marketplace for NFTs. 

Nifty Gateway is an NFT marketplace built on the Ethereum blockchain and exclusively dedicated to the sale of digital artworks and music by creators and artists alike. 

It provides a primary and secondary NFT market for the publication, sale, and resale of digital arts. One feature that distinguishes Nifty Gateway from other NFT marketplaces is that it is centralized, as opposed to decentralized marketplaces like OpenSea.

Art drops on Nifty Gateway, like most closed-marketplaces, are approved by the Nifty team. Surprisingly, this marketplace allows you to purchase many editions of a limited-edition artwork, each at a different price. The Nifty team is also in charge of authenticating the accounts of new digital artists every day.

Nifty Gateway is a well-known NFT marketplace that is home to a number of well-known digital artists, including Trevor Jones, Beeple, Cryptokitties, and others. Lil Yatchy, Gramatik Ozuna, 3LAU, and Carl Cox are among the crypto-enthusiastic celebs and DJs who call it home.

On the Nifty Gateway platform, there are also popular paintings and murals from athletes such as Kobe Bryant and player Mesut Ozil.

Step by Step: How to sell NFTs on Nifty Gateway

Step 1: Sign up on the Nifty Gateway marketplace

Nifty Gateway, unlike other NFT marketplaces like Opensea and Rarible, requires that you create a user account by signing up. Now that you know this, the next question that comes to mind is “how do I sign up on Nifty Gateway?.” 

It’s a very easy process and we will explain it here. Note that you can go ahead and login if you already have an account.

1. Go to to get started

2. Click on  “Sign up” on the top right corner of the website as shown below

Step by Step: How to sell NFTs on Nifty Gateway
Sign up on the Nifty Gateway marketplace

3. Once you click the “sign up” it takes you to the sign up page where you put in the necessary details. 

Step by Step: How to sell NFTs on Nifty Gateway
Sign up on the Nifty Gateway marketplace

All you need to sign up is a valid email address, your name and of course a strong password. Once you’ve filled in the necessary fields click on submit and your Nifty Gateway account is ready.

4. The next step is to set up the Nifty account you just created

How To Make $100,000 Selling NFTs On NiftyGateway Drops (As An Artist)!

Here’s a guide on how to set up your Nifty account

  • Upload a profile photo
  • Confirm your details by clicking the profile icon
  • Write a few lines about yourself
  • Choose your budget
  • Select the type of art you want to put on the platform
  • Create a username or use the auto generated username
  • Add a payment method.
  • Click “continue” after making your selections

Here, you have either of three payment options to choose from. You can link your Gemini Wallet, which is accessible to users worldwide and it is the easiest to withdraw money.

You can use a credit card or a prepaid card to acquire NFTs on Nifty Gateway, and it’s a convenient and quick way to do it.

Finally, link your digital wallet, such as MetaMask, to spend ETH and confirm transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

Step by Step: How to sell NFTs on Nifty Gateway

Setting up a Gemini wallet

  • Go to 
  • Fill in your full legal name as written on your government ID card or passport,  (note that this requires a government ID or passport), a valid email address and  create a strong password, finally, choose your country of origin.
  • Click on “agree to the terms” of service and policy and click on “Next.”
  • Fill in your details and upload a valid passport or ID card to get verified. 

NOTE: you can also add a bank or credit card detail for easy funding and withdrawal straight to and fro your bank account.

Step by Step: How to sell NFTs on Nifty Gateway
Setting up a Gemini wallet

Step 3: Create an ether-supported NFT-standardized ERC-721 wallet

To continue, you’ll need an ether-compatible NFT-standard ERC-721 or ERC-20 digital wallet, such as MetaMask, a browser extension.

Creating an account on MetaMask is simple; go to and select the “Browser Extension” option, then follow the instructions to create your wallet.

By going to your profile icon and selecting “Accounts,” you may connect your wallet to Nifty Gateway. The IPFS network, which acts as a blockchain database for your transactions, stores your Nifties.

Step 4: Create and sell your Nifties (NFTs)

To put up an NFT for publication on Nifty Gateway, you have to follow the steps below.

  • Go to and then scroll to “Apply now” to fill the vetting Typeform.
  • Then provide the following; full name (preferably as written on your government ID), a video intro about yourself, social media links to personal and NFT portfolio and links to both your social media profiles and your NFT portfolio. 

You will also need to answer questions about your goals as an artist as this indicates whether you know what you’re in for or not.

 Lastly, you’ll be asked about your NFT project style as it could be either artworks, music or spot.

Take note that filling out this form won’t take you time, however, verification might take a couple of days. The next step after verification is selling your Nifties.

Selling your NFTs on Nifty Gateway

  • Visit
  • Go to your Metamask wallet and click on a nifty you wish to sell
  • Select a price and click ‘Put on Sale.’ 
  • A Metamask transaction will appear which you would approve for confirmation. Confirming the transaction posts your Nifties to the Nifty Gateway marketplace for selling after approval by the Nifty team. 
  • Once confirmed by the Nifty team your nifty will be posted for sale.

Gifting NFTs on Nifty Gateway

Gifting of NFTs is one of the features of Nifty Gateway. How can you send gifts to loved ones on Nifty Gateway? You can achieve this by simply sending NFTs in your Nifty Gateway to any valid email address and paying using your credit.


We’ve discussed everything you need to know about selling NFTs on Nifty Gateway. If you need to sell your digital artworks and other art creations, the ideal location to sell them is on the Nifty Gateway marketplace. Waste no time in putting your artworks and digital recreations on Nifty Gateway today.

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