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Top 10 web3 apps categories in 2023

The web3 ecosystem of decentralized apps has seen significant growth in the last two years, In this article we will be discussing top web3 apps categories.
Top 10 web3 apps categories in 2023
Top 10 web3 apps categories in 2023

However, given the massive potential of web3 and its long-term vision to reshape the internet, we are just at the beginning of its development. Many challenges remain unsolved and lots more work needs to be done to reach mainstream adoption.

What is Web3?

The term “web3 apps ” refers to a decentralized network of computer systems connected through a protocol such as a blockchain. It’s an alternative to the current centralized internet.

Having a decentralized network, with client-side hosting, will enable web users to retain control of their data. Web3 apps is a future internet because it will be decentralized, distributed, and peer-to-peer, with no central server or centralized control.

Features of Web3 apps

  • Decentralized hosting
  • Convenient
  • Decentralized data
  • Conversion of apps to decentralized apps
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Decentralized hosting

Unlike the current internet, where data is hosted by centralized servers, decentralized hosting through peer-to-peer computer networks will ensure greater security, privacy, and censorship resistance.


Web3 apps will allow users to transact directly, without any intermediaries that charge a hefty fee for the service. This will make it more convenient and cost-effective for both parties.

Decentralized data

In web3 apps , the data is stored on multiple computers in a distributed manner instead of a single server. The data will be saved on a public blockchain and private blockchains like Hyperledger or Fabric. This will prevent data breaches and data loss due to server failures.

Conversion of apps to decentralized apps

We can convert apps to decentralized apps by hosting them on a blockchain network like Ethereum. This helps in increasing the number of users as decentralized apps get more attention due to their security and transparency.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Web3 apps is believed to be the future of VR and AR, as it has a lot of potential to grow in this particular field. Currently, the VR and AR market is $38 billion and is projected to grow to $81 billion by 2022.

Advantages of Web3 apps over Web2

  • Security and Privacy
  • Conversion of apps to decentralized apps
  • Diversification of apps
  • Decentralized data

Security and Privacy

Web3 apps will be open source and will not have centralized control, protecting the data from any unauthorized access. This will eliminate the chances of data theft and data breaches.

Conversion of apps to decentralized apps

We can convert apps to decentralized apps by hosting them on a blockchain network like Ethereum.

This helps in increasing the number of users as decentralized apps get more attention due to their security and transparency.

Diversification of apps

Web3 apps will allow users to access a wide range of apps from healthcare to gaming through a single platform, which will streamline the overall user experience.

Decentralized data

In web3 apps, the data is stored on multiple computers in a distributed manner instead of a single server. This will prevent data breaches and data loss due to server failures.

Top 10 Web3 apps categories in 2023

  • Healthcare apps
  • Gaming apps
  • Communication apps
  • B2B apps
  • Online Payment apps
  • News apps
  • Authentication apps
  • Cloud storage apps
  • Content Creation apps
  • Prediction apps

1. Healthcare apps

The healthcare industry is expected to be the first among others to adopt the decentralized web. There are several blockchain startups that are building healthcare apps. Over the last few years, we have observed an excessive evolution of mobile health applications than any other innovation in health care.

Healthcare apps

 A systematic review of Health apps for chronic diseases showed that there are improvements in patient lifestyle related to, healthier eating, weight loss, controlled blood pressure, and glycemic levels, including treatment awareness options among patients.

With web3 Health apps, users can receive important information through push notifications and can monitor their health status at a personal level.

During a mobile exercise App research, it was found that exercise app users are more likely to exercise during their leisure time as compared to those who do not use exercise apps

2. Gaming apps

The gaming industry is one of the fastest-growing industries that are expected to see significant growth in the future. With the rise of blockchain-based games, more and more users will be joining the gaming community.

Gaming apps

With the rapid growth of mobile gaming in recent years, new gaming apps have been hitting the market daily. This can make it hard to figure out which ones are worth your time and money and which ones are just plain wrong.

The app repositories like Google Play Store and App store are flooded with several apps based on different concepts or specific purposes.

One category that attracts millions of users is the best gaming apps available on these platforms. There is a massive craze for mobile gaming apps, and millions of users use these apps for entertainment purposes.

You can enjoy these games at any place or anywhere. You only need an internet-enabled device, which may be your smartphone or tablet.

3. Communication apps

Web3 apps is expected to make communication apps more secure and reliable, especially for businesses that rely on communication. This will make communication apps more efficient and trustworthy. Communication has an intrinsic link to smartphones

Communication apps


The telephone’s original purpose was to connect people, and that principle hasn’t changed. Apps that permit users to send messages, pictures, sound files, and documents have become invaluable for both professional and casual use.

Using mobile phones for text communication is so prolific in modern culture that it’s hard to think of a world without it. Your options have never been wider when it comes to great, free services that only require an internet connection.

4. B2B apps

B2B apps are expected to gain more traction in the future as businesses from multiple industries will be adopting blockchain technology B2B buyers are increasingly turning to app marketplaces.

B2B apps

As vendors set up app marketplaces to meet this demand, roughly 30% use reviews as social proof on app marketplace listings to encourage more app installs.

They also offer a place for partners to connect and build relationships and can help companies develop strong B2B ecosystems by creating an environment conducive to partner collaboration. 

5. Online Payment apps

Web3 apps for online payment services will be the next big thing for online merchants as they will be more secure and efficient.

Online payment apps

Accepting online payments comes with lower financial risks for the merchant, by comparison to traditional methods, where the seller may have to verify the integrity of the cash payment or deal with the fees associated with a bounced check.

Given the speed with which transactions conclude online, one of the advantages of online payment processing is that the shopper’s money is instantly deposited in the acquiring account.

It can take as little as two or three days for online payments to be cleared, which gives merchants better control over their finances.

What’s more, online payments tend to be more tightly regulated, offering extra peace of mind to those selling online. Online payments allow shoppers to make purchases in whatever global market they want and at whatever time of day they prefer

6. News apps

There are a lot of news apps that are being developed on the blockchain platform to make news content more reliable and authentic.

News apps

The main function of Crypto News app is to aggregate news and articles from popular web sources such as Cointelegraph, CoinDesk,, Forklog, and others. Currently, there are more than 300 websites in the list of sources and this list is regularly updated.

With So much volatility around the Crypto market, Its demands a sharp eye to catch the money-making opportunity. But let’s face it, there is so much news around the space that it is almost impossible to catch each one of them.

This is where the Crypto News App Aggregators comes to rescue. With them, you can literally get the access to all the news and buzz around the Crypto space.

7. Authentication apps

Web3 apps will bring significant improvements in the authentication sector, The best authenticator apps make it simple and easy to increase online security. Authentication apps offer yet another type of 2FA — software tokens.

Authentication apps

These are auto-generated one-time passwords (OTP) that expire within 30 seconds. These usually take the form of passcodes. This short timeframe makes it nearly impossible for hackers to grab someone’s second credential and use it before it becomes inactive forever.

 The best authentication apps are available on various platforms, with most showing up on Android and Apple devices while still others also accessible through Windows and Mac computers.

8. Cloud storage apps

Cloud storage is another sector that will be disrupted by web3 apps in the near future. With decentralized cloud storage, it will be more secure and reliable.

Cloud storage

Cloud storage covers several use cases. First, having a virtual hard drive folder or directory that you can save files to and not worry about which equipment last made changes to the file. This makes it easier to share your own documents among all your various devices or share your documents with others.

Cloud storage is a great way to not only store important files, backup your devices, and ensure you have a safe copy of all your documents; it also helps you access all your digital goods from multiple devices and when you’re on the go.

9. Content Creation apps

There are several decentralized apps available for content creators that are expected to gain more traction in the future.

Content creation apps

Content is king. But producing it can feel like a chore without the right tools. As content creators, we know that you can create high-quality assets in every tool imaginable, from Google Docs to Microsoft Word, Spreadsheets, Slides, or Adobe Photoshop. 

However, using dedicated content creation software helps you simplify every step in your creation process – planning and strategy, researching, ideation, creation, editing, uploading, publishing, and promoting. 

10. Prediction apps

Prediction apps and blockchain technology are expected to go hand in hand in the future. As the blockchain technology that supports not only crypto currency but also many other business applications, matures, we are already seeing the real value emerge.

Prediction apps

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that is used by all types of cryptocurrencies. In simple words, this whole tech is a transaction ledger maintaining duplicate copies of each transaction on every computer within a network.

The impact of distributed ledger technology may be greater than any of us realize – it has the potential to change economics, business and society, and we are just beginning to scratch the surface of what is possible.

Blockchain has highlighted a critical aspect of the way data is going to work in the coming decades, and that is a world where data will be ever increasingly distributed.

Any solutions for next-generation data problems must come to grips with this fact, and plan for a day where critical data is distributed among many geographies and even across on-premise and cloud data centers.


Web3 apps will be a decentralized platform that will change the internet as we know it. It will enable end users to exchange information and transact with each other without the need for intermediaries.

It will help in reducing the number of cyber-attacks due to the absence of centralized servers. As the technology is still new and needs to get adoption by the users, we can expect more innovations and improvements in the future.

More and more companies will start adopting web3 apps to reduce dependency on centralized systems, making it a reality in the near future.

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