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zkSync Era v24 Update to Deploy on Mainnet June 6th

zkSync Era v24 Update to Deploy on Mainnet June 6th

zkSync Era v24 Update to Deploy on Mainnet June 6th

zkSync Era, an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution, has completed the audit for its v24 update and plans to deploy it on the mainnet on June 6th.

The developers of zkSync Era, an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution, have completed the audit for the v24 update. We plan to deploy the upgrade on the mainnet on June 6th.

According to the post on social media platform X, the deployment will temporarily suspend the deposit and withdrawal features of the native zkSync Era bridge for 24 hours. Nevertheless, consumers will still be able to use third-party bridges during this time.

The v24 upgrade plans a number of significant enhancements. Apps like Apple’s Secure Enclave, Webauthn, and Android Keychain can now sign transactions with better security thanks to the new precompile P256Verify. The upgrade will also introduce the zkSync Bridgehub, enabling ZK Stack chains to collaborate and streamline user and liquidity sharing. Also, the groundwork is finally in place, and zkSync Era has stated that the ZK Stack blockchains will soon have Validium mode, a custom Data Availability (DA) layer, and a custom base token. The v24 update has brought about numerous improvements. 

We previously revealed that the zkSync Era will “hand over governance” by the end of June. Upcoming version 24 is the last upgrade before community members take over network control.

While testing the whole v24 protocol upgrade on testnet in May, zkSync Era found a few bugs. Accordingly, prior to launching the mainnet, the team performed a thorough evaluation of zkSync’s circuit logic, virtual machine logic, testing infrastructure, and release pipeline.

The beta version of zkSync’s node has been released, making setup easier and the developer experience better

zkSync is a system that uses zero-knowledge rollup technology to make Ethereum network payments fast and cheap. With zkSync, users can be certain that their money is as safe as it would be on the Ethereum mainnet, thanks to ZK proofs and on-chain data availability.

Just launched, the beta version of zkSync’s Node boasts a host of exciting new features, including a significantly simplified setup process and reduced hardware requirements. Third parties can use the zkSync Node as a read-only copy of the main node. This beta version significantly enhances the builder experience with features such as a one-line Docker setup, snapshot syncing, staying current with the main node, and the option to run the zkSync node via snapshots on consumer hardware.

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