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Avalanche Teams Up with Alipay+ for Web3 Development

Avalanche Teams Up with Alipay+ for Web3 Development

Avalanche Teams Up with Alipay+ for Web3 Development

Avalanche has partnered with Alipay+, a digital payment platform, to introduce an e-wallet and voucher program aimed at Web3 development.

In a recent announcement, the Avalanche (AVAX) blockchain revealed its partnership with Alipay+, a digital payment platform and solution, to provide an e-wallet and a voucher program. Web3 development is the target of the new initiative. 

Avalanche is a decentralized platform for smart contracts that can scale indefinitely and execute transactions regularly. Web3 developers may create unique blockchain applications with its consensus system, subnet architecture, and HyperSDK toolkit.

Built and managed by the blockchain service AvaCloud, the new program is powered by the Avalanche Subnet. There will be two parts to the proof-of-concept (POC), and here is the first part. The second phase will broaden the POC’s reach to more than 100 million people in the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, as well as Chinese citizens who visit these countries. The focus will still be on food and beverage vendors.

By integrating the Alipay+ D-store, e-wallet partners in Southeast Asia can activate the proof of concept and take advantage of Avalanche’s Web3 features. Alipay+ D-store is a one-stop shop for all your online and in-store ordering needs, with features to help you manage your orders, run your marketing, and analyze your data. 

Participating businesses will be able to test out Web3 solutions and see whether they can open up new channels of communication between consumers and retailers. These programs aim to increase merchants’ income and improve user retention. Alipay+ D-store’s Web3-enabled voucher program will also present collaboration options with other companies leveraging digital collectibles and other blockchain-driven functions.

Alipay+ Program to Be Enhanced by Avalanche Subnets

Sliding snow Subnets will increase program adaptability by delivering blockchain-specific features like Web3 capabilities, digital asset rails, and transparency. Subnets allow developers to incorporate their privacy settings into their Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chains.

In addition, businesses that use AvaCloud can launch Avalanche subnets with minimum maintenance, active involvement, and a reduced time-to-launch. They can integrate Web3 features at minimal cost. Companies like AWS, Deloitte, and SK Planet are currently using Avalanche subnets.

At the same time, the proof-of-concept seeks to cover more ground than just AWS in terms of the cloud systems that AvaCloud can connect to. In this proof-of-concept, AvaCloud uses a “hybrid” paradigm that spans AlibabaCloud and AWS; validators are housed on AlibabaCloud, while AvaCloud provides the RPC on AWS.

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