Banking the Unbanked – How Blockchain is Bridging Financial Inclusion Gap

Banking the Unbanked - How Blockchain is Bridging Financial Inclusion Gap

Banking the Unbanked – How Blockchain is Bridging Financial Inclusion Gap

This article will explore the challenges faced by the unbanked population, the ways in which blockchain technology is addressing these challenges, and the potential impact of blockchain on financial inclusion.

We will also discuss the use cases of blockchain-based financial services for the unbanked and the challenges and limitations of these services. Finally, we will discuss the opportunities for blockchain-based financial services to stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty.

Blockchain technology is emerging as a potential solution to bridge the financial inclusion gap. Blockchain technology provides a decentralized and secure platform that allows for the creation of financial services that are accessible, affordable, and easy to use for people who have been excluded from the traditional financial system.

Definition of Unbanked Population

The term “unbanked population” refers to individuals or households that do not have access to basic financial services, such as bank accounts, credit, and insurance, through traditional financial institutions.

This may be due to various reasons, including lack of documentation, low-income levels, geographic location, or a lack of trust in formal financial institutions. As a result, these individuals are often excluded from the formal financial system and are unable to access the benefits and opportunities that financial services can provide.

According to the World Bank, around 1.7 billion people worldwide lack access to formal financial services, which means they are unbanked. This lack of access to financial services, such as banking, credit, and insurance, can have a significant impact on a person’s ability to improve their economic status and achieve financial stability.

Importance of Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is important because it helps to promote economic development and reduce poverty. By providing access to basic financial services, individuals and households are able to save money, make payments, invest in their businesses, and protect themselves against financial risks.

Financial inclusion can also lead to increased economic growth by providing access to credit for entrepreneurs and small businesses, which can create jobs and stimulate economic activity.

Furthermore, financial inclusion can have a positive impact on social and gender equality. Women and marginalized groups are often disproportionately affected by the lack of access to financial services, and financial inclusion can provide them with greater economic opportunities and financial independence.

Financial inclusion can also contribute to the stability of the financial system. When more people have access to financial services, it can help to reduce the risks associated with informal financial transactions, such as fraud and money laundering.

Financial inclusion is an important component of sustainable development and can help to create more inclusive and resilient economies.

The Role of Blockchain Technology in Bridging the Financial Inclusion Gap

Blockchain technology has the potential to play a significant role in bridging the financial inclusion gap. Blockchain is a decentralized ledger that can be used to create secure, transparent, and low-cost financial services that are accessible to individuals and businesses who are excluded from the traditional financial system.

Some of the ways in which blockchain technology can contribute to financial inclusion include:

  • Decentralized financial services
  • Lower transaction fees and interest rates
  • Improved security and transparency
  • User-friendly interfaces and simplified processes
  • Digital identity verification

Decentralized financial services

Blockchain technology enables the creation of decentralized financial services that do not require intermediaries such as banks or other financial institutions. This can make financial services more accessible and affordable for individuals who do not have access to traditional financial institutions.

Lower transaction fees and interest rates

Blockchain-based financial services can offer lower transaction fees and interest rates compared to traditional financial services. This can make financial services more affordable for low-income individuals and small businesses.

Improved security and transparency

Blockchain technology provides a secure and transparent platform for financial transactions, reducing the risks of fraud and corruption. This can increase trust in financial services and encourage more people to participate in the formal financial system.

User-friendly interfaces and simplified processes

Blockchain-based financial services can be designed with user-friendly interfaces and simplified processes, making them more accessible to individuals with limited financial literacy or technical skills.

Digital identity verification

Blockchain technology can be used for digital identity verification, which can help to overcome the lack of documentation and identity that often prevents individuals from accessing formal financial services.

Blockchain technology has the potential to make financial services more accessible, affordable, and secure, and can contribute to reducing the financial inclusion gap.

Challenges Faced by the Unbanked Population

The unbanked population faces several challenges that prevent them from accessing formal financial services. Some of the challenges include:

  • Lack of access to financial services
  • High transaction fees and interest rates
  • Limited financial literacy
  • Lack of trust in financial institutions
  • Cultural barriers

Lack of access to financial services

Many people living in rural or remote areas may not have access to financial services due to a lack of physical infrastructure, such as bank branches or ATMs. In addition, low-income individuals may not have the documentation or identification required to open a bank account.

High transaction fees and interest rates

Traditional financial institutions often charge high transaction fees and interest rates, which can make it difficult for low-income individuals to access financial services. This can also discourage small businesses from seeking credit or loans.

Limited financial literacy

Many people who are unbanked may lack the financial literacy required to navigate the formal financial system. This can make it difficult for them to understand financial products and services, as well as the risks and benefits associated with different financial decisions.

Lack of trust in financial institutions

Some people may have had negative experiences with formal financial institutions or may not trust them due to corruption or political instability. This can make it difficult for them to access formal financial services and can lead to a preference for informal financial services, such as cash transactions or informal lending networks.

Cultural barriers

Cultural attitudes and beliefs can also prevent some people from accessing formal financial services. For example, some communities may prefer to rely on informal networks for financial support or may be hesitant to engage with formal financial institutions due to cultural beliefs about money and debt.

These challenges can prevent the unbanked population from accessing the benefits and opportunities associated with formal financial services and can contribute to a cycle of poverty and economic exclusion.

How Blockchain is Addressing these Challenges

Blockchain technology has the potential to address many of the challenges faced by the unbanked population. Here are some ways in which blockchain technology is addressing these challenges:

  • Decentralized financial services
  • Lower transaction fees and interest rates
  • User-friendly interfaces and simplified processes
  • Improved security and transparency
  • Digital identity verification

Decentralized financial services

Blockchain-based financial services can be accessed from anywhere, making them accessible to individuals in rural or remote areas. They can also be accessed using mobile phones, which are often more widespread than traditional bank branches.

Lower transaction fees and interest rates

Blockchain-based financial services can offer lower transaction fees and interest rates compared to traditional financial services, making them more affordable for low-income individuals and small businesses.

User-friendly interfaces and simplified processes

Blockchain-based financial services can be designed with user-friendly interfaces and simplified processes, making them more accessible to individuals with limited financial literacy or technical skills.

Improved security and transparency

Blockchain technology provides a secure and transparent platform for financial transactions, reducing the risks of fraud and corruption. This can increase trust in financial services and encourage more people to participate in the formal financial system.

Digital identity verification

Blockchain technology can be used for digital identity verification, which can help to overcome the lack of documentation and identity that often prevents individuals from accessing formal financial services.

In addition to these benefits, blockchain technology can also facilitate peer-to-peer transactions, which can be particularly useful for individuals who prefer informal financial services or who do not trust formal financial institutions.

Blockchain technology can also facilitate the creation of microfinance and crowdfunding platforms, which can help to provide credit and financing to small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Blockchain technology has the potential to address many of the challenges faced by the unbanked population and can help to promote financial inclusion and economic development.

Use Cases of Blockchain-based Financial Services for the Unbanked

There are several use cases of blockchain-based financial services for the unbanked population. Here are some examples:

  • Digital payments
  • Microfinance
  • Remittances
  • Digital identity verification
  • Crowdfunding

Digital payments

Blockchain-based digital payment systems can be used to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions, which can be particularly useful for individuals who do not have access to traditional banking services. For example, the BitPesa platform in Africa uses blockchain technology to facilitate low-cost cross-border payments.


Blockchain-based microfinance platforms can provide small loans to individuals and small businesses who do not have access to traditional banking services. For example, the Humaniq platform uses blockchain technology to provide microfinance services to individuals in developing countries.


Blockchain-based remittance platforms can provide a low-cost and secure way for individuals to send and receive money across borders. For example, the Abra platform uses blockchain technology to facilitate remittances to the Philippines and other countries.

Digital identity verification

Blockchain-based digital identity systems can help to provide secure and reliable identity verification services to individuals who do not have access to traditional identity documentation. For example, the Civic platform uses blockchain technology to provide digital identity verification services.


Blockchain-based crowdfunding platforms can provide a way for individuals and small businesses to raise funds from a global network of investors. For example, the Kiva platform uses blockchain technology to facilitate crowdfunding loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries.

These use cases demonstrate the potential of blockchain-based financial services to provide low-cost, secure, and accessible financial services to individuals and small businesses who are currently excluded from the traditional financial system.

By promoting financial inclusion and economic development, these platforms can help to reduce poverty and promote sustainable economic growth.

Potential Impact of Blockchain on Financial Inclusion

Blockchain technology has the potential to have a significant impact on financial inclusion. Here are some of the potential impacts:

  • Increased access to financial services
  • Lower transaction costs
  • Improved security and transparency
  • Digital identity verification
  • Increased financial literacy

Increased access to financial services

Blockchain-based financial services can be accessed from anywhere, making them accessible to individuals in remote or underserved areas. This can help to increase access to financial services for low-income individuals and small businesses that do not have access to traditional banking services.

Lower transaction costs

Blockchain technology can facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries, such as banks or remittance providers. This can help to reduce transaction costs and make financial services more affordable for low-income individuals.

Improved security and transparency

Blockchain technology provides a secure and transparent platform for financial transactions. This can help to reduce the risk of fraud and corruption and increase trust in financial services.

Digital identity verification

Blockchain-based digital identity systems can help to provide secure and reliable identity verification services to individuals who do not have access to traditional identity documentation. This can help to increase access to financial services and reduce the risk of identity theft and fraud.

Increased financial literacy

Blockchain-based financial services can be designed with user-friendly interfaces and simplified processes, making them more accessible to individuals with limited financial literacy or technical skills. This can help to increase financial literacy and empower individuals to make informed financial decisions.

The potential impact of blockchain on financial inclusion is significant. By providing low-cost, secure, and accessible financial services, blockchain technology can help to promote economic development and reduce poverty in underserved communities around the world.

Challenges and Limitations of Blockchain-based Financial Services for the Unbanked

While blockchain-based financial services have the potential to promote financial inclusion and reduce poverty, there are also several challenges and limitations to consider. Here are some of the challenges and limitations:

  • Limited internet and mobile phone access
  • Limited technical knowledge
  • Regulatory challenges
  • Lack of trust
  • Integration with existing financial systems

Limited internet and mobile phone access

In many low-income countries, access to the internet and mobile phones is limited. Without access to these technologies, individuals may not be able to access blockchain-based financial services.

Limited technical knowledge

Blockchain technology is still a relatively new technology, and many individuals may not have the technical knowledge to use it effectively. This can limit the adoption of blockchain-based financial services among low-income individuals.

Regulatory challenges

The regulatory environment for blockchain-based financial services is still evolving, and there is uncertainty about how these services will be regulated in different countries. This can create challenges for companies looking to offer blockchain-based financial services in different markets.

Lack of trust

Blockchain technology is still relatively unknown to many individuals, and there may be a lack of trust in these services among some populations. This can limit the adoption of blockchain-based financial services among low-income individuals.

Integration with existing financial systems

Blockchain-based financial services may need to integrate with existing financial systems, such as payment networks or remittance systems. This can create technical and operational challenges for companies looking to offer blockchain-based financial services.

While blockchain-based financial services have the potential to promote financial inclusion and reduce poverty, these challenges and limitations will need to be addressed in order to maximize the impact of these services on the unbanked population.

Blockchain technology has the potential to bridge the financial inclusion gap by providing low-cost, secure, and accessible financial services to the unbanked population. By leveraging blockchain technology, individuals and small businesses in underserved areas can access financial services that were previously unavailable to them.


The use cases of blockchain-based financial services for the unbanked, such as digital payments, microfinance, remittances, digital identity verification, and crowdfunding, demonstrate the potential of blockchain technology to promote financial inclusion and reduce poverty.

There are also challenges and limitations to consider, such as limited internet and mobile phone access, limited technical knowledge, regulatory challenges, lack of trust, and integration with existing financial systems.

To maximize the impact of blockchain-based financial services on the unbanked population, these challenges and limitations will need to be addressed. Overall, blockchain technology has the potential to transform the financial industry and promote financial inclusion for all.

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